This week was a pretty good one, for the most part. On Friday, I officially became an E-8. So now I am no longer a frocked E-7 and I am now getting paid to be an E-8. I also decided that with all that Paula, the kids and I have been through in the last 18 years (I also hit my 18 year in the Army mark on the 1st as well) that we deserve a nice vacation when I get home. I am planning on possibly a Disney Cruise combined with a few days at the Disney Word Resort. Since I retire in just about 2 years, this will be our last big trip while we are still in the Army. I already have my pay raise going to a seperate savings account for when I get home so we will be well prepared. As it looks, the vacation will consist of 4 nights in a Disney World Resort hotel, 5 days worth of tickets to all the parks, 3 nights on a cruise to Nassau then to Castaway Cay (Disney’s private island) and back. We are not sure of the dates just yet because I am not sure when I will be home. If we go by the new dream schedule, I am well over half way but if we go by the original schedule I am almost half way. I am shooting for early next year and I hope it pans out.
In addition to getting promoted, I also finished my associates degree. I have to wait a while to get my diploma but I am done.
We are already into August and I hope it starts cooling off soon. The summer winds have died down but it didn’t take the summer heat with it. The days seem to be more and more humid and it just won’t rain to cool it off. We had one quick rain a few days ago but not really enough to do much, just get more humid. They definately get some sun around here, it would make for a nice tourist spot if not for all the terrorists.
I hope everything is well back home. Take care and talk to you next week.
You know I am reading this. Congrates on your raise. E-8 very impressive.
Still love you Mike.
Holy Frock,
Cant Frocking believe you finally got Frocked, Confrockingratulations you Frocker.
Your UnFrocked Brother