Just about half way through July

July seems to be going by pretty fast, but if you look at it on a calendar it looks like it is 5 weeks long. 101st Combat Aviation Brigade does up a nice newsletter every month and I was going to try to put it up for you all to read but it is pretty big. I may try to size it down a bit ad see if I can get it a little smaller and try again.

                College and work have been keeping me pretty busy and I guess that is making the time go by at a decent pace. I am pretty much finished with my first class towards my bachelors degree and I have about 3 weeks left in my speech class. After that I will just have my Photoshop class which is my second class towards my bachelors. I do not plan to sign up for another class in August so I can just focus on Photoshop but I may change my mind.

                The Army has found a way to keep me in past 20 years. In order to be promoted to E-8, I have to have 2 years left in the Army. Since I have not been picked up yet (they haven’t reached my sequence number yet), I will have to do 2 years after the day I get promoted. So, I was hoping to get promoted to E-8 by May or June and it still hasn’t happened, perhaps August or September.

                I will try to get that newsletter put up if I can get it sized down. I will talk to you all next week.


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