Happy September 14th

Hello everyone,

Well it is hard to believe that September is already half way over. October is just around the corner and we are already starting to plan our trip out of here. Although it is still a ways away, at least the light at the end of the tunnel is starting to come into view.

I do not have any word on if I will be getting the DARR job yet, I am hoping to hear something soon so we can start planning. I had a question of what a DARR is, I guess I sometimes forget that not everyone is in the Army. A DARR is a Department of the Army Regional Representative. I don’t know the exact specifics of the job but they are basically the go between for the Army and the FAA when it comes to issues related to Air Traffic Control and other airspace issues. There are 4 places that the Army currently has DARRs, Atlanta, Seattle, Dallas and Germany. There are a couple of positions opening up but the exact locations are not known yet. Seattle will definately be one and perhaps Atlanta, but I won’t know that for a while. I will pretty much take whatever one becomes available, even if it means moving to Seattle or even Germany. I don’t think it was any secret that Paula, the kids and I really enjoyed our time in Germany, however I am not looking forward to the move in either situation.

I actually packed up a small box of mostly college books to send back home. I figured I will start getting a few things packed up each week and amybe send some things home to make it a bit easier to clear out and leave here when that time comes. I was looking at a calendar that Paula sent that has all the months on one page. I remember not too long ago thinking that I have to go through each of those months and now the months I have left are fewer than I have already been through. This is a very good feeling.

I hope everyone is doing well. Talk to you again next week.


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