Ok, so I slacked off a bit on my blog and my mom told me to update this thing and being a good son, I do mostly what I am told.
I believe when I left off, I was at Fort Riley in Desert Shield/Storm and Christopher Winters posted something about me. I realized that by going from Fort Riley to Desert Storm, I left out perhaps the most important thing that happened to me. While I was in Basic Training, I made a very good friend named Tim Anderson. When we graduated basic we both went to Fort Riley, I went to 2nd Battalion, 34th Armor Regiment and Tim went to, I believe, 3rd Battalion of the 37th Armor Regiment. During our first weekend at Riley, Tim took me to his hometown, Clinton, MO. Although I did not know it right away, this is where I would meet the love of my life and best friend, Paula Jane Moore. Tim introduced me to several people, one of them being Paule but he made me think that he had a thing for her so I figured she was off limits. I enjoyed spending time in Clinton and went there with Tim just about every weekend I could and I even spent Christmas with Tim and his family before heading to Desert Shield just a day or so after. This should catch us up to being deployed to Desert Shield/Storm and also count as an update so my mom will not be angry with me anymore.
I will try to keep up with this a little better in the future, although I am getting busy with several college classes going on, work and this whole retirement thing.
Thank you for the update,though I am sure I will reread the one from Chris many more times.There you have now met Paula Jane.